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Self-leveling floors are a popular choice for their ease of installation and ability to create a smooth, even surface. However, when it comes to determining the ideal thickness for a self-leveling floor, there are a few factors to consider. In this article, we’ll cover the optimal thickness for a self-leveling floor, as well as other important details you should know.

  1. The Optimal Thickness for Self-Leveling Floors
  2. The Minimum Thickness for Self-Leveling Floor Coating
  3. Drying Time for Self-Leveling Floors
  4. Floor Thickness
  5. Drying Time for 1 cm thick Self-Leveling Floor

The Optimal Thickness for Self-Leveling Floors

The ideal thickness for a self-leveling floor is approximately 2.5 millimeters. While it is possible to create a thicker coating, anything more than 5 millimeters can be costly and unnecessary. If you are using a painting method for the floor, the thickness can be reduced to 0.2-0.3 millimeters.

It's important to note that the thickness of the coating will affect the type of tools that are needed to install the floor. A thicker coating may require finer tools to ensure an even surface.

The Minimum Thickness for Self-Leveling Floor Coating

Most manufacturers recommend a coverage rate of self-leveling floor coating at 1 kg per square meter with no more than 1 millimeter thickness. This thickness is considered optimal as it provides a perfectly level surface while minimizing the material used.

Drying Time for Self-Leveling Floors

The standard drying time for self-leveling floors is a minimum of five days. It's important to avoid strong drafts or placing any objects on the surface during this time. Full mechanical strength is achieved about 28 days after installation.

Floor Thickness

The thickness of the self-leveling floor should be at least 100 millimeters, however, with this thickness, the weight of the coating can significantly increase the load on the wooden lagging. If you spread gravel at a thickness of 50 millimeters, you will need only 50 millimeters of coating.

Drying Time for 1 cm thick Self-Leveling Floor

The drying time for self-leveling floors can vary depending on the composition and manufacturer of the coating. Typically, it can take from 2 to 12 hours to dry. However, it's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions, as the full hardening process can take several days. It is not recommended to lay a finish coating sooner than a week after installation.

In conclusion, it's important to consider the optimal thickness and drying time when installing a self-leveling floor. Following the manufacturer's instructions and taking into account the factors listed above will help ensure a smooth and level surface with minimal materials used.

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